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Connaught Farm & Nursery

Epping New Road
Loughton, IG10 4AA

020 8504 5168


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What do you think about Connaught Farm & Nursery?

2011-12-14 13:30:15

0 visitors found this review useful


I have never visited this garden centre - but recently telephoned them to ascertain what christmas trees they had available - ie what non-drop varieties did they have ? and what the approximate price would be for a 5-6ft tree. They were unbelievably unehlpful! The response was - we have lots of trees just come and look - when I asked if they could give me an indicative price for one of the non-drop trees at 5-6ft so that we didn't have a wasted journey (ie to ensure that they wouldn't be out of our price range) - they basically said they couldn't do this.... Gave the distinct impression that everything was too much trouble - and they weren't bothered whether they got the business or not....very disappointing

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