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There is no more spectacular flowering climber than the Wisteria with great trusses of mauve, pea-like and fragrant flowers that drape from the leafless branches in May. The most popular species are W. floribunda and W. sinensis but there is little to choose between them, in a practical way.

Even though mauve is the most usual colour found, there are good white varieties including Wisteria fl. ‘Alba’ %, pink ones like Wisteria fl. ‘Rosea’ %, the double flowering purple ‘Black Dragon and the most spectacular Wisteria fl. ‘Multijuga’ % (also known by the name ‘Macrobotrys’) with has lilac-blue flowers heads up to 2,5 feet (75cm) long.

The trophy symbol % signifies an ‘Award of Garden Merit’ accreditation by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) for “outstanding excellence for ordinary garden decoration, of good constitution, generally available, not requiring specialist growing conditions and not particularly susceptible to any pest or decease”.

When buying Wisterias you generally get what you pay for. Cheaper varieties (between 8 and 15 pound) are often grown from seed and can take up to 10 years, or longer to flower for the first time. More expensive specimen are likely to be grafted cultivars that will flower reliably from year two.

Wisteria is not fussy when it comes to soil and will do equally well in heavy clay as in lighter soils. A sheltered south or west facing wall or pergola would be ideal.