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How to take care of your house plants in 7 easy ways

Lisa Garden on 24-04-2018

House plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space and add distinguished colours and warmth to a house. Decorating home with beautiful plants is common among homeowners. Aside from the natural beauty, indoor plants also offer other benefits such as improving quality of air and improving your physical and mental health. Buy beautiful house plants here!

However, house plants can quickly wither if you don’t care for them the right way. So, here are some useful tips to ensure you don’t lose your indoor plants:


1. Consistent Water Supply

Water is essential to keep plants fresh. However, overwatering them can also ruin them in no time. So, be careful while watering indoor plants. Check the top of soil and water it if the soil feels dry. Always use water that is at room temperature. Also, make sure the plant pot can drain excess water easily.


2. Sufficient Light

Indoor plants don’t need much of sunlight; however, keeping them in dark throughout the day may kill them. So, it’s best to keep indoor plants near a window where they can absorb adequate sunlight. Plants that need the abundance of direct sunlight should be kept near a south-facing window.

On average, flowering plants need 12-16 hours of indirect sunlight, whereas foliage plants thrive in 14-16 hours of light.  


3. Humidity Level

Most indoor plants, including tropical plants, need high humidity. The more the moisture in air, the healthier your plants. Keep them in areas where humidity is around 80%. You can buy a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity level. However, if you want to adopt a more cost-effective solution, you can keep a tray filled with pebbles and water near the plant. Water will evaporate and increase moisture in air.


4. Temperature Changes

Indoor plants take some time in adapting to changes. If you constantly move them around, they may not be able to survive for long. Try not to move them too often and maintain optimal temperature for plants’ health.


5. Trimming

You need to regularly trim and prune plants. However, every plant has varying requirements. Make sure you prune branches, or else they may spread in your entire living room. Also, trimming plant leaves keeps them in shape, protects them from diseases, and aids in the growth.


6. Look Out for Pests

Pests and insects are the biggest enemies of plants. Keep an eye on your indoor plants. Regularly check plant leaves and soil for bugs. Washing leaves with a spray of water can get rid of insects, but you should use a spray of insecticidal soap if the problem prevails.  


7. Get Rid of Dirt

Dust in the air can accumulate on plant leaves. Dirt and debris block sunlight and water and thereby, damage your plants. It’s best to wash plant leaves or clean them with a wet towel. Be gentle so as to avoid ruining the leaves.


Garden Centre Guide helps you locate plant centres and nurseries in areas near your residence. You can visit these places to stock up on some indoor plants that aren’t only attractive, but also easy to maintain.